Запись на прием к врачу

Для записи на приём к врачу через Интернет необходимы личный номер и пин-код, получить которые можно с 8.00-20.00 в регистратурах обратившись с паспортом или, заполнив форму регистрации в модуле онлайн-записи по кнопке "Запись на приём" - "Зарегистрироваться".

Инструкция по работе записью на приём в личном кабинете


Телефоны регистратуры:

Адрес лечебного

  • ул. Воровского, 4
  • Филиал №1 - Кирова 15
  • ЛДК№2 - Дубровская 27/1
  • Женская консультация - Кирова 88

Запись на приём
к врачу-специалисту :

  • тел. +375(162)20-46-87
  • тел. +375(162)20-46-87
  • тел. +375(162)20-46-87
  • тел. +375(162)57-94-08

      Учреждение здравоохранения

"Брестская городская
   поликлиника   №1"

Call-центр: (162)20-46-87 Приемная Главного Врача тел.(162)20-41-74 mail: post@brestgp1.by 224030 Беларусь, г.Брест, вул. Вароўскага, 4


Paid medical services


Paid medical services are additional to the volume guaranteed by the state free medical care and are provided to citizens of the Republic of Belarus by public health institutions on the basis of written contracts of paid rendering of medical services.

The contract of the established sample, which defines the scope and cost of paid medical services, timing of service, payment arrangements, rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties under the contract for the provision of health services is on the basis of a written application to the chief physician at the cash Desk of polyclinic or the specialist providing paid medical service.
The contract is concluded on the basis of the patient's identity document (passport, residence permit, etc.).

Payments are accepted at the following addresses:

While working the cash register: 08.00-12.00, 12.30-14.30, 15.00-18.45
Weekends: Saturday, Sunday.

List of paid medical services

Курсы валют Нацбанка РБ